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Canyon & Spotting Blocks

Canyon & Spotting BlocksNorbert's was the first company to realize the potential of using hook and loop fasteners to transform spotting blocks into user-adjustable stackable spotting systems for teaching reverse Hechts, handchanges, Higgins, Healys, pirouetting, all varieties of Tkatchev and Yeager timers, backstraddles, bails and more.

The concept--joining blocks together in order to create dual spotting decks with a canyon between them into which a gymnast can drop--became reality in 1992 when Norbert's unveiled our original Canyon Bar Blocks.

All Norbert's blocks feature ultra-durable 18 oz. covers and 4" hook and loop fasteners. Our block filler is covered by a Lifetime Guarantee and consists of a solid 2 lb. high density polystyrene core with durable 2" Crosslink bonded on all sides. Our solid core will never break down like polyfoam.

Products in the category: Canyon & Spotting Blocks